G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: Now for the calssmates update... Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Now for the calssmates update...

So I got an e-mail a couple o' weeks ago from someone I went to grade school and high school with. She got my contact info from classmates dot com. I remembered who she was (she had also entered her maiden name otherwise I wouldn't have know) and she mentioned that she was back up where we grew up for a day trip and she ran into my mom. They chatted a bit and my mom filled her in on some details about me (married, kids, living in Newcastle, etc). My guess is that she decided to see if I had entered any info on classmates. I had 'cause I was interested in hearing from people from my high school days to see where they are now. I missed the reunion last year 'cause Marie had her seizure the day in the days before the reunion so I obviously missed that. Anyway, Alison and I traded e-mails and kinda caught up. I have to say I was a little nervous about sharing information since we hadn't talked in a while and to tell you truth I thought:

What if she's turned into some psycho person?

I mean, suppose she all of a sudden she decides we're "best friends" and it turns out that too much time has passed and I don't like who she's become? I mean, if she thinks I'm an idiot she won't keep in contact with me, she'll disappear and I'll be left thinkin' she thinks I'm nuts but that's not a feelin' I'm unfamiliar with so I'd survive. LOL! Seriously though, when there's been as many years pass as there has been in this case, people change... life has a way of "forming" us into different things... we can become jaded by bad experiences... left vulnerable by being too trusting... I don't know, I guess I'm just sayin' that I nervous about meeting up for coffee. I'll be totally honest here... I also didn't want to meet a person who may end up being "needy" or pushy and wanting to pick up where things left off. The reality is, these thoughts are overreactions 'cause it's not like we were seeing each other back then, we were just friends so that's as far as it would "pick up" from.

Okay, I got ramblin' a bit there and I can't imagine what Alison would think if she read this... I'm sure she wouldn't meet me for coffee on Thursday if she read what I just wrote! LOL!

That wasn't exactly a good bit o' writin' but I always said that I tend towards a "stream of consciousness" style than any prize winning literature. :}

I believe that my promise to follow up has been fulfilled and so I now return to work with a umm... weird but satisfied feeling.

Have a good day!
