G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: So I finally got off my ass... Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

So I finally got off my ass...

and did some physical exercise. I went for an early morning bike ride. As GeWilli pointed out, the caloric burn is lower than a run but to tell you the truth, I didn't really feel like starting the whole running thing yet.

So how did it go?

Well, it was a little harder than I thought it would be but it was good exercise. I did the 10 km route that I have used for running in the past. It has some good elevation changes that gave me a challenge and got me sweatin'. I started out at 05:10 and let me tell ya, it was dark. I hit CTC on my way home last night so I had the necessary lights on the bike which was a good thing 'cause there was some vehicle traffic (okay, only two cars) that passed me on the darkest stretches of the road.

Observations... well, I need to adjust the angle of my seat 'cause I found myself slipping forward and that 'caused more stress than needed. I also need to adjust the gear change mechanisms as they are a little off. The gearing was kinda off for me too and what I mean by that is when there was a slight downhill section, I quickly ran out of gear and either resorted to gliding or was peddlin' like a madman. It would have been nice to have one more gear. I'm also still uncomfortable due to the leaning forward on the handlebars and I get a little pain and numbness as a result of the pressure points. I have those handlebar dew-hickies that look like a bull's horns so that helped to give me a few different positions to alternate through. Finally, I can't wait for the season to progress a little more to give me some daylight in the 05:00 hour 'cause some of those stretches were really dark and it made it hard to see some of the bumps and potholes.

I'm actually glad I did the bike thing and I'm gonna continue with it for a while before I start the running back up and even then, I think I'll alternate the two.

Well, back to work again and in case I don't post again today, have a great day!



Jim said...

Way to buddy!

The hardest part of starting any workout is day one, so you are well on your way.

Congratulations G!

Suds said...

no, the hardest part was getting up and out so early! LOL!

Thanks bud.

gewilli said...

start with the saddle level...

biggest mistake is thinking you'll be more comfortable with it nose down...

that just puts more pressure on your arms...

more gears? nah - just pedal faster...

high RPM is very good - uses the fat burning muscles instead of the glycogen burning ones... also boosts the cardio side of things more than pedaling slowly...

congrats man... congrats

Suds said...

Thanks guys!

I'll hafta adjust the saddle tonight... you're right about it being nose down and if that helps with the arms then I'll be a happy man! (and why wouldn't it work... you're the bike mechanic/mad scientist!)

Good point about the fat burning muscles versus the glycogen muscles... see, that's why I count myself blessed to have friends like you guys that are so knowledgable!

I hope to be out again tomorrow to try the changes.

gewilli said...

all ya gotta do is keep this up longer than the running thing and you'll be kicking ass!

or we'll be scratching our heads to find the next athletic event for suds to try next...

what's left?

Roller blades?
Roller skis?
kick boxing
clothing optional aerobics?

Suds said...

ha ha, very funny...

Let's see...
Roller blades - perhaps
Roller skis - prolly not
yoga - for sure
pilates - hmmmm
kick boxing - yeah, right
clothing optional aerobics - Now we're talkin'!