G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: I'm going to see a Naturopathic Doctor Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I'm going to see a Naturopathic Doctor

I've decided that I should dig a little deeper to see what options are out there to help with the thyroid condition I have. This week I started taking the selenium, chromium and magnesium to see if there's any improvement in my energy levels and mood. (no comments from the peanut gallery!) I'm quite curious to hear what the doc has to say.

While I'm doing a little catch up on the blog... no GeWilli, I didn't get back out on my bike but I will be going out again. I did buy a new seat since I couldn't adjust the big ass-saddle I had on there. I may need to get a different seat post 'cause it looked like the one I have has some sort of mount on the top that fastens onto the rails on the seat. I'll hafta take another look to see what my options are. I'm also gonna get the bike tuned up so the derailleurs work smoothly and accurately. In talkin' with a friend at work, there's a place in Toronto that I can get cheap bikes and bike parts. The guy goes to all the police auctions and you can get high-end bikes for a song. We'll see what pans out there but for now, it's road rides on the mountain bike for me.

Well, I gotta get ready for some afternoon meetings.

Have a great day everyone (and I mean everyone, even the haters out there... they need all the good vibes they can get.)



Jim said...

How is the view from the "the high road"?