G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: The world of blog is a neat one... Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The world of blog is a neat one...

I often find myself readin' the blog of some stranger because I've followed link after link starting from the blog of someone I know. That's what happened to me this morning when I stumbled across this: Rocking the suburbs...

Take a read, I'm positive you'll chuckle like I did. Suki has some real funny shit that she writes... like this recounting of her internal conversation she had while out for a bike ride:

all told I spend ONE WHOLE hour (yeah. I still rock the hardest) with this internal dialogue:
self 1: dood. stop being a pussy. go for the hill.
self 2: um...es'cuse me! don't be a dumbass. sore quads make for shitty climbing. you DO remember kaymoor mines, don't you?
self 1: seriously. you're being a pussy.

Read it now... because I said, that's why.



Suds said...


megA said...

too funny!

i discovered suki through fatmarc's blog, and i discovered yours through gewilli's blog.

what a small world, and yes, her writing rocks non-stop.


Suds said...

I've lurked on a few blogs that I've found through GeWilli but I just had to comment on Suki's... she made me laugh out loud in my cubicle at work!

Now she's a daily read... waiting to see what she gets up to is fun!