G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: Crying Indian...oops, that's crying Native American Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Crying Indian...oops, that's crying Native American

okay, so I was lost in my last post... GeWilli mentioned a PSA from the 70's about a native crying after witnessing the white man not caring for mother earth... leave it to Jim to come through...

without further a-do, I give you "Crying Native"...


gewilli said...

That's the one!

I'm sure the PC police would be all up in arms with that 'depiction' of a Native...

nothing stereotypical about that guy...

still... very hard to miss the point of that message! WTG jim

Anonymous said...

Excellent Message! I love that clip.

Very Environmental - good for the youth of today to see.
