G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: I did it! Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I did it!

I went for a run this morning! I'm following a training plan that gets me to the point that I will be running 5km in 8 weeks. Day one is run 1 minute, walk 2 minutes. I know it sounds easy but for someone who's been sittin' behind a keyboard and monitor for too long, this was an accomplishment. The next session will be the same and the third day will be run 1 minute, walk 1 minute.

Well, I'm completely wiped out after today so I'm gonna stop here. I still can't believe I got up and ran this morning. The journey has begun!

Have a good one!



Jim said...

Way to go buddy!!! The hardest part of starting anything is the starting...congrats!