G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: I didn't get out this morning... Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I didn't get out this morning...

but before GeWilli jumps on this and says that I'm moving on to clothing optional aerobics or something like that, I had to come in early to work so I didn't have time to go for a ride. I'm gonna try to get out tonight and perhaps go a little further than yesterday. I also could't find my old seat to put back on and the seat that's on there doesn't have any way for me to adjust it (it's a big-ass saddle and when I say big-ass saddle, I'm not only describing the size of it, I'm also describing the function for which it was built --- to handle a BIG ass!). If I can't find it I'm just gonna buy another and move on.

I've been reading some interesting stuff on my thyroid condition. It's funny, I tend to dive into things and research them, expecially when it comes to my health but for some reason I always just left this one alone and trusted that I was getting the right treatment. It seems that perhaps there are some ways that may be more effective to treat hypothyroidism, or should I say, things that can be done in conjunction with the medication I take. In addition to my multivitamin, it's being suggested that I take 200 mcg of selenium, 200 mcg of chromium and 400 mcg of magnesium. I'm still in the process of validating this advice but it seems reasonable to me. Perhaps more on this later.
For now, the day is moving and so should I since this has been sitting untouched for about 2 hours now.

Have a great day everyone!



gewilli said...

did ya ride today?

Huh ? well ? did ya ?
