G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: Sometimes you just need to slow down... Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Friday, October 20, 2006

Sometimes you just need to slow down...

Jim put up an excerpt from something he was reading and the last paragraph was really awesome so I thought I'd share it with you...

While navigating white water stretches it often is necessary to position the
canoe with a "back ferry" or by paddling in such a way as to force the canoe to
go slower than the current. At times the proper positioning of the canoe is a
matter of determining to not give in to the urge to "rush" with the current.
When asked what was the most important piece of advice he could give,
mountaineer and wilderness preservation advocate Harvey Manning responded, "Slow
No that is a really cool observation... sometimes you have to slow down or even stop in order to move forward. How true is that eh? How often do I do that... not enough for sure. I get caught up in the current of life too often.