G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: The "Yes Campaign" Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The "Yes Campaign"

For those of you reading this that live in Ontario, please take some time to investigate the Fair Vote Ontario website. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of feeling like my vote doesn't make a difference and that my voice is not being heard. Under the current voting system (first-past-the-post) that may very well be true. Under our current (and I believe outdated) system of election, a party can win just 40% of the votes, get 60% of the seats, and 100% of the power.

The only voters sending MPs to Ottawa are those
who support the most popular party in their riding.
In other words, your political beliefs and place of
residence determine whether your vote counts. If
you hold the "wrong" political views or live in the
"wrong" place, your vote means nothing
- source "This is democracy?"

In Ontario we are proposing that we move to mixed member proportional (MMP) voting system, similar to those used in New Zealand, Germany, Scotland and Wales. Below is a description from the Fair Vote Ontario web page:


The MMP voting system allows each voter to cast two votes: one for a preferred local candidate and one for a preferred party.

Ontario would have 90 ridings. The riding seats would be filled as they are today, with voters casting votes for a single local candidate. But the legislature would also have an additional 39 at-large seats. To fill those seats, parties would nominate lists of candidates, some of whom would win seats depending on the portion of votes their party received. Each party would have the number, or portion, of seats its popular vote warrants, not more, not less.


Not only does MMP make all voters equal, it also tends to produce legislatures with more women and visible minorities. Parties will find they win more party votes when their at-large candidate lists balance the number of women and men, and include minority candidates.

I've decided to join the campaign and I hope that you give it due consideration. This is our province, it should be our government. Let's take responsibility and make this historical and very important change happen!



Bloggers for MMP said...

Hey Suds,
If you'd like to join Bloggers for MMP, please visit send me an e-mail. I couldn't find yours.