G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: So I signed the boys up for Wolf Cubs Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

So I signed the boys up for Wolf Cubs

Boy are they excited! I have to admit that I'm pretty excited too... I'm lookin' forward to doing all the neat things that Cubs do... camping, hiking, learning how to tie knots, helping them earn badges. It is expensive though; $140 each, plus about about $60 minimum each for uniforms. I don't have to pay for my training but I do have to pay for my police check (that's kinda funny given the fact that I have police ID eh?) and I assume I hafta pay for my own uniform which will be slight more than $60. Oh well, it's gonna be worth it since I'll be creating memories for the boys and helping shape a part of their life experience that will stay with them forever. I still remember a lot of what I did in cubs and scouts and I would say that I use quite a bit of what I learned back then on a regular basis today.

Well, I've got a lot of meetings today at work so I'm gonna go prepare for them now. I hope everyone has a great day!
