G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: Classmates part deux... Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Classmates part deux...

Okay, so I met up with Alison this morning and I think she may be stalking me.... JOKING!

Alison is as nice a person as I remembered and I had nothing to fear or be nervous about. We chatted for quite a while in Starbuck's across the street from my office. The topics ranged from our kids to where are they now to parenting to where we've been and who we've seen. It was a wonderful experience and we're gonna do again soon. I know that some people may want more details but I kinda hafta make up some of my time from this morning so I gotta run. I should also say that Alison made good timing from the Cook Islands to meet me and I appreciate it! ;)
