G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: Wow... that's not so good... Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wow... that's not so good...

I re-read my post this morning and ummm... yeah... it doesn't paint a great picture does it. I need to emphasize that these were my thoughts, not the reality! LOL! Sometimes I need to take pause and think before I speak, or in this case write. My memories of Alison are good and she was always very nice... in fact, I remember her laughing at my jokes (okay, maybe THAT makes her crazy... who's gonna laugh at my jokes? LOL!) No seriously, we went to the same grade school and high school and rode on the same school buses so I can't imagine that she's changed that much.

I should also mention that I had a weird guilty feelin' about meeting up with her because I hadn't mentioned it to Marie. It wasn't for any other reason than I kept forgetting to mention it. I had told her that Alison had contacted me and made sure she knew it wasn't an "old flame" (just setting the context for her) but I forgot to tell her that we were meeting for coffee. Anyway, I told her and it wasn't an issue for her. I'll follow up later to let you know how the "reunion" goes this afternoon.

I've read Jim's post about the things that drive him crazy a few times (only 'cause he hasn't posted anything new in a week) and perhaps that's why I got thinkin' a few thoughts...

and on that note I give you...

"Things That Make Me (kinda) Crazy"

  • why do people say that they will give or gave it "110%"... I mean, if they feel they gave it more than 100% then perhaps they weren't giving 100% to begin with...thoughts?
  • when people are trying to say that something doesn't really bother them, they say "I could care less"... isn't it supposed to be "I couldn't care less"...? If you could care less, then it means something to you and if you couldn't care less, then it means nothing to you... I dunno... thoughts?
Okay, it's a very short list and by no means representative of all things that drive me crazy but they were two thoughts I had driving in to work today.

And in my usual style, let's move on to my next random thought... I work on the 13th floor...

gasp! you say "not the 13th floor!"

and I say, yeah, what of it? I ain't...

"very superstitious, writings on the wall..."

thanks Stevie, take five brotha... speaking of the wall, the building next to mine is a condo building and here I sit everyday, lookin' out my window at the people next door doing various things, walking 'round in their pj's, having breakfast, doing yoga, surfin' the internet... gets me thinkin', I wouldn't like to live where people are able to see that much into my home. For instance, does that woman one floor up think that we can't see her doin' the "downward facing dog"? I feel like I know her more than I should for a "window buddy". Wow, she's flexible... okay next topic!

For anyone that wanders over here and has a read of my blog, drop me a line and let me know if you have a blog (alright Jim, I already know you have a blog so calm down buddy...) so I can wander over and have a read. (VP) It's really neat that you can learn about people that you never would have known otherwise. Cool.

Geoff has been makin' life kinda hard for me by talkin' so much about "Paczki" and posting pics of that wonderful lookin' puffy ball of sweet goodness... I've never had one but I'd sure love to! I asked Marie about it 'cause her mom is of Polish decent and Marie hadn't heard of it before. Perhaps I pronounced it wrong. I'll check with her mom. This one looks the best to me, almost like a Krispy Kreme glazed jelly... mmmm, carbo-licious!

Well, it's that time again. Gotta get back to work.

Have a great day everyone!
