G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: So I was uploading pictures from my camera this morning... Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

So I was uploading pictures from my camera this morning...

and I discovered some interesting photos the kids have taken. Ya see, I like to let the boys (the two older ones) use the camera... see what they come up with and let them be creative. Well, it turns out that it can also be a great source for photographic evidence of what they get up to when their parents aren't around... take a look at what they were apparently doing the other day.

I laughed outloud when I saw it! Awesome stuff... boys being boys!


twugster said...


WOW he's really airborn! ahahhahaa looks like fun Dad, too bad you weren't there to enjoy it too. :)

I also let my son experiement with cameras he has 2 of his own - one digital, one manual - He LOVES to take pictures and even goes as far as to pose people! (a first born with type "A" personality - just like his momma, go figure) LMAO! He just cracks me up.

Love these pics, keep 'em coming.

twugster said...


WHO are those people on your wallpaper of menu choices? Just curious.

Suds said...
