G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: Static electricity Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Friday, February 23, 2007

Static electricity

So I have these dress pants that I wear to work... several pairs in different colours. I like the way they look and fit but there is one problem. Static electricity. I've tried to use fabric softener, dryer sheets, hang dry the pants, anti-static spray... nothing works.

So here's where it get funny.

I was telling a friend at work about my static problem as we went down in the elevator. He was polite and listened to me describe the problem. I wasn't embarrased by other people in the elevator hearing about my static problem... perhaps one of them could even offer a solution. Then it took a turn... my friend waited just a moment after I had finished my "story" and said (in that certain indignant tone):

I supposed you're gonna try and blame it on the lightning rod in your pants or something
um, yeah.


twugster said...

AAHAHAHHAHA! DID HE REALLY say that? I can't believe it ahahah Too funny. Great way to get into the weekend!

I had a thought,.. ever tried lined dress pants? They are not as giving, however I have found (from my office days) they worked the best,.. no static! just an idea. HAPPY FRIDAY!

Jim said...

Hey my Mom in Sudbury was checking out your blog and she suggested to rub a bounce sheet on your pants to eliminate the static.

Give it a try...