My sister Eileen gave birth to a baby boy yesterday morning!
Devlin is his name and he was born at 08:45 weighing 7lbs 5oz. Eileen and Devlin are doing well and proud daddy Cornelius hasn't stopped grinning since 08:45:01 yesterday morning. :)
Eileen and Cornelius has two daughters so this will be a bit of an adjustment to the whole family. I feel for Devlin, I only had two "moms" growing up (my mom and my sister!)... poor Devlin has four (my sister, my mom, and my two nieces!)... I got yer back buddy!
Since most of you may wonder about the name (okay, I wondered what the significance of the name was) I thought I'd share that with you. Before I do that though, I should share with you that Eileen and Cornelius are both interested in their Irish ancestry so that was on of the first considerations when they were picking a name. Eileen said that the name meant fierce warrior. I was unable to find reference to Devlin as a first name (although I did find it the other day but can't seem to find the link again) but it is a surname in Ireland. The Gaelic spelling seems to be "Duibhlin" or "Duibhlinn". Ya gotta love the Gaelic language eh?
I wanted to name daughter Naomh (pronounced NEEV) but Marie wouldn't hear of it. I'm okay with that now 'cause Gracie is Gracie to me and I can't imagine her having any other name.
Well, it's been extremely busy here at work and I feel like I haven't seen my friends or done anything social in a month so I'll have to change that. Jim and Tanyia came by last Friday for a few hours and that was really nice... we haven't done that in quite a while. We usually play board games when we get together, which is always a blast, but this time we just chatted and had some laughs.
Oh yeah, I forgot, we're going to a pig roast at a neighbour's house on Saturday night... we don't really know anyone except the people hosting the party so it could go either way - either I find someone that I "click" with and have some good conversation, or I don't find anyone and I spend the whole time sittin' in the corner watchin' people. I'm gonna do my best to mingle since I rarely get the opportunity to meet new people in town since I spend my time on the road between Toronto and Newcastle commuting.
The boys brought home a pamphlet about cubs and they really wanted to join. Marie and I had talked about this in the past and the only way that we would feel comfortable putting the kids in cubs is if I was a leader... so guess who's applying to be a cub leader? yep, you're lookin' at the next cub leader candidate. I think the organizer thought he'd been given a miracle 'cause the call went something like this:
Hi, Dave?
(in a kinda tired voice) Yes, this is Dave
Hi. My name is Gerry and I was looking to find out more information about signing my sons up for cubs. When is the registration and how much does it cost?
(again, in a tired voice) Registration is Monday night and the cost is $140 per child.
Okay. I was also wondering about how I would become a leader and if there are any openings for leaders... or are you just lookin' for parent volunteers from time to time?
(in a very excited voice) Oh no, we're always looking for leaders and we're in need of more leaders for the cubs since a couple of the leaders are moving on to the scouts with their sons. We pay for all your training so there's no cost to you to become a leader. You can register on Monday night when you sign you boys up. That's great. You'll just need a police background check and there'll be an screening interview... that's standard procedure.
Okay, thanks Dave, I'll see you Monday night then.
(again, in an excited voice) GREAT! See you then Gerry!
Hmmm... what have I gotten myself into...
Good for you Gerry!
My dad was a leader when I was in Cubs and although it was a bit of an adjustment to have him there it was cool to be able to spend so much time with him.
Have you given any thought to what your name would be?
I think my Dad was "Bagera"
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