G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: Is there a BBQ road trip in our future? Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Monday, December 18, 2006

Is there a BBQ road trip in our future?

Jim and were discussing BBQ based on one of his recent posts. The place we went to last year after the infamous Toronto Outdoor (non)Adventure Show is now gone so I went in search of another BBQ place to go. I came across a reference to Camp 31. I sampled their offerings back in 2003 when I organized the annual TDIFest get together in Burlington for the TDIClub.com community. Little did I know when I organized the 'Fest, that Burlington has a Ribfest on labour day weekend which coincided with the traditional date for TDIFest. Anyway, they had great BBQ and they are only a 2 hour drive from our house. (I can't help but think that there's a business opportunity somewhere in there if two guys are thinkin' about drivin' 2 hours one way to get some good BBQ.)

We decided that we may arrange for babysitters and take the girls on the outing with us. We're shooting for Feb/07 and if we make it a Wednesday night it's all you can eat pork ribs!

mmmmm... BBQ.
