G Algonquin Trips and Other Things: Okay... Algonquin canoe and portage trips

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I know, I don't write with any regularity and then I post like a fiend!

I had to bring two quotes to you from the awesome person who is GeWilli:

I'm putting on weight, eating lots and lots, which hopefully down the road can be energy re-routed to muscle growth or long ride fuel. At least that's how I'm looking at me getting fat.

It plays off the fact that once i get talking its often hard to shut me up...

Hee hee! I'm takin' the same approach to my Christmas/winter "fuel storage". LOL!

I think Jim will back this up when I say that the second quote also fits me to a "T" so you're not alone Geoff... okay, I'm shuttin' up now!



gewilli said...

LOL - man ya crack me up - the next pint of suds i drink will be raised in the name of a great friend with the hope of getting our families together this coming year!